Staying in your PJ's and working from home would once have been a treat. This crazy time has forced many to work from home for the unforeseeable future causing kitchen benchtops, dining tables and couches to replace ergonomic setups and sit-stand desks.
It is important to put some thought into finding the best solution for you at home. Here are some hot tips to help.
Firstly, anything is better than your bed or couch. It may seem like a good idea at the time but your body will hate you the next day.
Working zone
Choose a space (if you can) that has some nice natural light and air flow.
Set up your desk with commonly used equipment and accessories closer for easy access.
Use a chair with a back to support your spine.
Arms should be parallel with the keyboard or desk height - this is where an adjustable chair is gold!
Knees at approximate right angles, thighs parallel and feet supported (preferably on floor but a block or books if you’re a shorty like me).
Place your monitor directly in-front of you, approximately an arms length away Your eye-line should be within the top 1/3 of the monitor - this is a very common mistake people make, especially with laptops. The easiest way to resolve this issue is to place the monitor on some books.
Keyboard and mouse
An external keyboard may also be required if working on a laptop.
If using a mouse, check to make sure your wrist is in a neutral position and it is not placed too far away from your body.

Keep moving
Lastly, don't forget to move. It is recommended that you move away from your screen every 30 minutes. Try some of the stretches in the attached handout (located on the blog menu page) and add a quick walk around the room to get the blood circulating.
If you would like to learn more ways to manage your working situation, or get yourself some ergonomic handouts, jump online for an appointment at the clinic or via our new Telehealth service.
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